Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Join The Army With Hearing Loss

Olympics (the trash) in the summer

holidays are over. For the first time after two years I have given two weeks of the Sea (Cri guest of my friend in the legendary Riviera, not to Fiji) and I must say I'm really satisfied and relaxed. So much so that, in these first three days to work (semi at work because not everyone has re-opened) do not get pissed. Not at all. However, during Vacation my brain has finally free to roam the world, away from the damn computer screen and in close contact with the outdoors. Accomplices many fine mojito, here's my remarks on phantom trash in the summer Olympics in Italian.
Bronze ex aequo at the photos of Veronica Berlusconi (never seen so sloppy, please consult a parrucchiereee) and Silvio (the w photoshop, but maybe avoid pushing to inhuman levels) on the diaries and autobiographical About Giovanni Conversano (former footballer and ex tronista Cervia) on DiPiĆ¹. Moments of great emotion. And also in episodes!
Silver medal (I do not want) to him, a little petulant star who spent the summer of even a minute before italia1. The legendary cat Comma (which I think has received more threats of Magdi Cristiano). People who downloaded his ring, please, contact me.
The top step of the podium is undoubtedly the invention of the century. It 'must, however, a wonderful story to introduce the issue.
Friday last, lying on the couch and probably intent on doing a crossword puzzle, I did not understand. My neighbors come with umbrellas on the beach with a massive package that is very similar to products mentally ill alias collectors from newsstands (the ones you can buy "tank of the two world wars" or "Build the dollhouse out of 99" Leisure and Work). I throw the eye briefly and read: "Weather." But do not grab it and continue undeterred my laborious task. Then, yesterday, the chilling truth: the two (thirty-five couples) have bought the first release of the meteorological station of COLONEL Giuliacci! I thought it was impossible, but I never cease to amaze me. That is to say (google never lies), check out the wonderful weather station Giuliacci:
There are 70 outputs (settanta..) The first of which costs € 2.99 and the remaining 69 cost € 9.99. And 'I do not have a calculator handy .. but about excess and (yes, but just) to become a rival of Giuliacci costs € 690. I love it! I wonder if the neighbors will complete the umbrella?