Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Creative Funny Sayings

W, semi-serious thoughts dell'ultimora

The results of the regional elections were plunged him like an avalanche on a handful of skiers. Later that evening, but already the afternoon. And then there were the rumblings. That speech is a bit 'controversial but understated, done at end of the campaign of their candidate. A small stream of accusations confirmation cliché. And no good idea. No 'divine illumination to stem a crisis within the party so deep that it is now invisible and at the same total time. Perhaps because the split was always going on within a grupoo stuck with the attack of good intentions and then more.

W knew he had failed a day after his election as leader. When looking into the eyes of his allies read the mangy inopposability of who loves to be in the shadows and have no face, but do not come to terms to save you you're doing the opposite. Rider sideways. Understood but not accepted. And do not even fought. To distrust, disappointment, fatigue. Or maybe its essence. Moreover, the leader was not him and that everyone knew. Except for some citizens. Unknowing and unknown, worse for him. He thought we did - he thought - We increase a finger to increase the GDP? If it's not the case. So it is impossible, useless. And also a bit 'sad. How

W. That morning he was not angry, she was sad. Bleakly loser, in a sarcastic sort of dejavu to repeat it "that old dolphin." He thought of his unease and decided to order a nice cafe. Or not. A nice tea that is lighter. "What then ste eye not me no leverage." He said he wanted a moment to herself, had contented. Now he felt a bit 'only, if only it was not .. with all those thoughts in my head. "A failure," he said. A leader stirs the masses, gets the crowds, the tender names with a slogan and not ad hoc .. Pallos those things on precarious. A leader plays on offense and defense even when she smiles and heads high even when it concludes. No W, W was not attractive and had a beer belly and a rimmed glasses eighties. Not like his glasses of red R-passport has more bullshit than it is on TG4.

prepared to make the announcement that he had meditated. Resignation. "To save a party, an idea," he repeated to himself "for Tom, Dick and Harry on October 14 that gave € 5 to vote." But in her heart she knew the sad truth. These resignations W gave too tired to "And you can move on mica na life disputes without concluding anything." Harassed and criticized.

what was good in the office to the Capitol, he thought. What could make good benefactor W, embrace children as the Holy Father and show off his smile that does not work at Palazzo Chigi in Tor Pignattara but maybe yes, both those that have both comparisons to be done. She thought the Dalai Lama and George Clooney and his pride in the side without too much bickering of any kind. Savor the red carpet of the Auditorium, the first time. What was that wonderful life there. He could also write books, including a pause and the next. Aguardar accusers without feeling hovering over his shoulder.

pick up the phone and book your painful swan song co-ordination. Then put down the handset and a foretaste of this new life as a political exile. Maybe he could return to being a journalist, a crisis that those publishers are always looking for the pen note. C'avesse called Faithful and thought before he applied for the conduct of the Matrix, he grinned to himself. Or would the writer and would be moved to New York. Both the director already had it around the house: a young apprentice, 'love from Dad. " Maybe you could have expected a charge to FAO, "which is also in Rome, toh" and maybe would have called to speak at the UN, or would RECYCLABLE to Euro 2000 and you know, twice in Brussels and allasetimana " printer happy. "

And then there was still Africa. Quacun'altro accuse him that there was gone. With all the mess, to tell us those resentments. Now he got the damn plane and would keep his promise. And then he would write a book. And wrote the film. And lectured around the world. And maybe he would have won the Nobel Prize like Al Gore, he too had been the loser candidate. And maybe .. Two knocks at the door roused him from that dream which he had clung.
"W. 's four, name the car?".
"Let's go for a walk, which now serves me right .."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can You Get Hands Foot And Mouth Disease Twice


E 'release announced the novel illustrated by me and for once not on sale, but the library!

So it describes the 'author :
"Algo Lenzi, a former war reporter on board, is to investigate the mysterious chain of bloody crimes that a family of Chechen immigrants in Italy. With the help of Zambia - trusted friend and eccentric - and his wife, Bea, in a reality s'immergerà cloudy, with implications unclear. Investigation apply its considerable experience in war zones across the world. Sinister shadow falls on his life. Behind it lies a clue always another, and another, in a game of joints, full of victims and executioners, it always opens new scenarios. Until the discovery of the ultimate truth ...
Sometimes, the truth is a bitter pill to swallow! "

Lorenzo Calza
" The play is over, "Robin
Editions - 336 p. - 12 €

also buy online.

is one of the eight pictures inside ...

and cover: