Saturday, October 24, 2009

Living Harvest Hemp Milk

Julia Julia @ Lucca Comics 09 (detail)

Friday November 30 will stand Bonelli di Lucca Comics to autograph a picture of Julia. From 17, if passed in those parts, come and say hello:)

I'm going to be at the Bonelli @ Lucca Comics stand for Promoting Julia. Friday 30th at 17, If you're around there, please stop by and say hello!

NOT TO BE MISSED - Sunday, November 1 at 10.00 am in the meeting room of the Palazzo Ducale, "A dear, dear friend": meeting with Giancarlo Berardi, creator of Julia!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Inexpensive Blank Silver Discs For Stamping

Twitter. How to manage the myriad of input? Happy New Year

I signed up to Twitter. After they landed on "instant messaging platform to 160 characters per message, also called tweets" (as I have explained what it is in a few bars) and luxury24, the site for which I write, and Rania of Jordan, I could not without it. I had to explore the mythical galaxy Twitter. Arriving to find that I would not really understand anything. Apart from the following things:
1) Twitter is the Facebook overseas. Concise, fast, efficient and useful. Not contacted old lovers, do not organize pizza class, there is significant exchange opinions on a wide range. Space for the adverbs do not there.
2) Italy is far behind because of my friends, journalists, and not on Twitter, there are two. And if this is the current manpower as well as future leaders, we are in good shape.
3) Managing input and the amount of information that run at the speed of light is a mess. The instrument will certainly useful to work, then when the beautiful country (say six months) it will be disclosed, we will have Twitter for Blackberry, iPhone and Twitter to Malgioglio which gives advice on Twitter.
I'm going to check whether or not Malgioglio Tweet ..