Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wedding Message Spiritual

Zone X - early works! In the Japanese district

The last post of 2009 is a flashback in the 90s at the time of the glorious head ZONE X created by Alfredo Castelli and directed by Federico Memola. I made different stories for the miniseries fantasy / sci-fi Magic Patrol, created da Vincenzo Beretta e scritta anche da Vietti e Russo. Duelli a suon di incantesimi, telecinesi, tunnel interdimensionali e altro ancora!

Buon 2010 a tutti quanti e grazie della visita!

The last post of the year goes back to the 90s, when I did several stories for the glorious fantasy/sci-fi series ZONA X (Bonelli editore). The bunch of characters I had to draw was "The magic patrol", quite an action team. Some of them had mental powers such as telekinesis or premonition and of course it was pure fun. My favorite one was Patrick (the leader), the guy with the glasses... The writers team was composed by V. Beretta (the creator), Stefano Vietti and Alessandro Russo.

My best wishes for the new year, and as usual thanks for stopping by!

ⓒ Sergio Bonelli Editore
texts: V. Beretta, S. Vietti, A. Russian
lettering: I. Colombo, C. Bozzi,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is Healing Ringwormpink?

Red Arrow. Tomorrow (my) litmus test. Then, stop traveling.

Down with life on the road. It costs too much. Distances are shortened even in the beautiful country, yes, but "the money divide" threatens to claim many victims. In what sense? There will be a distinction between those who can take the train and those who, Italy must girarsela walk.
After years of waiting we are awaited at the finish desired (not just the final one, but we are close): between Milan and Rome is superalta speed. From Monday, December 13. Central Termini is done in 2:59, 2:57 Central-Tiburtina (this is my train back).
I'll try tomorrow and I miraculously found a special offer of 48 €. Miraculously only the return leg because I have been satisfied to pay 76 €. First it was the cost of the ticket, yes. Today they are promoting. While people have complained of delays (and while winds in me the belief that with the 2009 closed year of commuting to Rome because, as an alternative, I'll export my capital abroad, in contrast with the dictates silvieschi) tomorrow I am going to do the big test. Note, however, is that it is only three hours to put on a train 3. All the others continue to put 3:30 (the good old T-Biz in 2005 it would take 4 hours) but the cost increases the same (even in sections that do not have any advantage compared to last year).
Meanwhile, some interesting fact: the average increase per sector is 20 per cent. Moreover, the high-speed project Made in Italy, then started back in 1992 at the time of the reorganization of the railway Necci of our house is without doubt the most expensive in Europe: the miles of high-speed lines made in Italy had an average cost of 32 million per kilometer, compared with 10 paid by the French (1,549 km) and 9 of the English (1,030 km). To go from London to Paris on January 17, for example, it takes three hours and a half (a little 'more, actually) and you spend 34 to 44 pounds for the base rate. There are 350 km, it is true .. but it also goes under the English Channel. Unbelievable!