Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Safeway Bakery 1 Birthday Cakes

Update 1.22 Photosimpianti

It 'available in the download version 1.22 of the 2010 PhotosImpianti 29/12/2010

Log updates:

- Ability to change minimum and maximum temperatures for the calculation of PV modules paramettri electrical and verification coupled with Inverter

-Fixed bugs for typing coeff. PV Modules

-Possibility to progress calculations with values Pot of Max inverter side DC, (calculated at the minimum temperature and radiation of 1000W / m ^ 2), above all DC Inverter Max Pot.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monopoly Disney Princess Directions

Always Pmax DC?

After some clarification, and requests received by e-mail carry a small selection that I think may be helpful to latria:

Many manufacturers omit the data of the inverter DC side Potez Max.

This is because it is strongly recommended to size the PV system to MAX DC side, but should be back on the nominal size in order to have an operating margin in particular cases of solar radiation and / or sudden changes in temperature, protects 'inverter *. (* Inverter which only the manufacturer knows the true maximum operating margins).

This obviously respecting the conditions of voltage, current maximum and minimum 'inverter.

The Power Max DC side in 'inverter is usually given by:

Imax (DC) x VmpMax (DC) = Pmax KWp

This power is clearly THEORETICAL , because the manufacturer does not provide information on the Power Max DC real usually greater than the nominal but less than that calculated . It 'also true that most likely will not be able to establish such a power inverter input, as higher than the value of Imax, Voc, and VmpptMax VmpptMin inverter.

E 'possible to verify that fact by applying this formula on a number of inverters in circulation, the values \u200b\u200bof the DC power Max recommended are significantly lower than those calculated using the formula Imax (DC) x VmpMax (DC).

Photosimpianti 1121 sizing runs on Nominal and if it exceeds the value thereof, indicates the overhead calculations showing Inverter Output hour did not exceed the Max DC power (theoretical and / or real ).

It is up to you to verify the optimal operating parameters, so 'as to all other software is generic, as the software course could not provide the optimal configuration in all possible cases.

E 'should therefore always check the configuration information and software manufacturers themselves.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cervical Erosion And Getting Pregnant

PhotosImpianti 2010 on Ubuntu Linux 1.21 Ubuntu

I have personally tested PhotosImpianti 2010 on the official version of Ubuntu 10.10 and I must say with great results.

Here are the steps: First you must

install Wine from the Software Center Ubuntu

Once installed go to terminal and type: wget Wine / winetricks


sh winetricks corefonts vcrun6 jet40 mdac25 MDAC28 vb6run

Run the normal setup of PhotosImpianti 2010 and installed the software that should work now so great stuff!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pure Dee Full Gallery

PhotosImpianti 10:10

A post soon a guide to installing Ubuntu PhotosImpianti 10.10 (With Wine)! For now I leave you with a screenshot ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What To Write In A Sympathy Card For Cancer

The DC Power Max or Rated?

Given the confusion on this type of coupling modules and PV panels are trying to understand together.

I got to see several tools for coupling Inverter and sometimes with different results and / or conflicting.

Normally producers Inverter DC supply side, two powers:
  1. DC Power DC Power Max Nom
The first course is less than or equal to the second.

Given that the total number of strings connected in parallel to the inverter must meet the following limits: The Voc

Modules -10 ° C lower than the Vmax Inverter
at OLV-70 ° C greater than the inverter VmpptMin
OLV -10 ° C less than the Inverter VmpptMax
Isc (total strings) less than the IDC Max Max Power Inverter

The strings = (pmode * * nMode nSTRING at -10 ° C) must be less than the Max DC Power Inverter ! Translated

would want to say find the coefficient. of Power / temperature module or at least the second coefficient. voltage and current, then calculate everything to the limit temperature (-10 ° C).

you might find in the special case where, after checking the voltages and currents, the power of these forms in terms of temperature limit far exceeds the maximum power inverter, resulting in the reality of the block because stesso.Ecco producers sometimes have a lot of difference between the nominal and maximum DC Pot.

Expensive Material For Clothes

Power Bug solved!

The software update is never facile.E 'available for download for those who find a bug on the total power of PV generator (not shown), the version of PhotosImpianti 2010 1:21 3/12/201 should definitely solve the problem. Please

anyone had installed earlier versions to upgrade to version 1.21


Friday, November 19, 2010

Temperature Of Wood Stove

PhotosImpianti 2010 01/02 [Available]

It 'available in the Download version 1.2 PhotosImpianti 2010.


  • Added incentive rates in 2011 Table A Decree DM 06/08/2010 bands
  • Improved algorithm coupled inverter / modules, with output of all electrical parameters relating to the design temperature.
  • Entering the main form of navigation through the tree to form now better visualized and more 'compact.
  • data output system prints and Economic System. Fixed bugs
  • rescue children.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Low Cervix When Period Is Due

Use PVGIS and PhotosImpianti

Photosimpianti By 2010, you can store the data of daily average solar radiation per year, not just choosing between the data store Aeneas, but by manually entering the data of the locations that most interest us.

Let's see how ... in this sense is a very useful service as it gives us very interesting data and useful information on solar energy and performance in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Suppose then we want to post Data Radizione Solar Taranto and its Optimum Tilt in Photosimpianti 2010. Try the following

Link and enter in the text box, "Taranto", then choose the Tab and Monthly Radiation spuntante options as per image below:

At this point select mode "Text File" and press Calculate.
The result is a text file containing valuable information such as the solar radiation on a horizontal plane and the angle of tilt angle for optimal panel.

be sufficient to insert the data in the archive custom data and use the value of Tilt optimal form of system sizing.

The incorporation of solar radiation data in PhotosImpianti 2010, will split the value of solar radiation in the Hh text file for 1000 because the 2010 uses PhotosImpianti kWh / m ^ 2 and not the Wh / m ^ 2 the solar radiation .

Regarding latitude, just use the tool on the software, since it uses the latitude in degrees PVGIS while PhotosImpianti in Decimal. To insert the Media Annual day we divide the value of solar radiation in the Hh Year for 1000 and multiply by the number of days present in one year, 365 . In this case


MediaGo = 4360/1000 * 365 = 1591.4 kWh / m ^ 2

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Red Spots On Tip Oglf My Tounge

2010 Important Update version 1.1 RC

I was able to publish the 1.1 RC (4 / 11 / 2010) of PhotosImpianti 2010.

then I pray all those who have installed the 1.0 RC of proved to run the new install of 1.1 RC (Free Download Manager) for significant corrections made.

To prevent any possible malfunction, completely uninstall the old version making sure you delete the folder "PhotosImpianti 2010" under Programs and install the new version .

Log Fixes and Features 1.1 RC

-Entering Archive panels and inverters 2010
-update-correction algorithm Overload Inverter
Print Output Data System-Entering function suggest
string and blocks according to the Power Inverter rated inputs and Improved Error Handling User-

-correction unit 'of measurement variation correction
-temperature electrical parameters and power current. If

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

18 Years Old One-piece Swimsuit

Mr. Blond's perspective grid trick shots

Here's how to a cartoon like this: The first step is to splash the pencil drawing with a 0.7 / 2B
Here's my process for this panel ... The first step is sketching the layout with a 0.7 mm/2B pencil
is a perspective three-point escape, no problem for the two points along the horizon, while I can not fix the third, along the 'vertical axis, because it falls too far from the design and even the drawing board. In these cases, if you want to be precise, it is better to resort to a grid.
Years ago I asked a dear friend, Eng. Mr. Blond , if he could solve this technical problem: how to quickly draw a grid propsettica that adapts to the original sketch, and then define it in good detail. The next day gave me this Mr.Blond soluzione, empirica ed efficace...
that's a 3 vanishing points perspective, no problem here for the ones along the horizon, but in this case, however, it's impossible to trace the vertical vanishing point because it falls so far from the panel that the drawing board is just too small... A good way out is to trace a perspective grid instead.
Many years ago I asked a dear friend of mine, engineer Mr.Blond , if he could solve the problem for me - how to trace quickly that grid. He thought about it and the next day he came out with this process ...
Respecting the perspective outlined in the sketch drawing the vertical axis and an inclined line near the edge of the sticker, then I measure the segments A and B and do the report:
Starting from my sketch, I draw an That inclined line fits the perspective I want, then I measure with a ruler the A & B segments and calculate the B / A ratio:
next step: starting from the vertical heel edges as follows ...
next step: starting from the vertical axis I mark the framelines AS FOLLOWS ...

then join the notch and voila
next: I join the correspondent notches - here's the correct vertical grid for this panel:
last step: add the details:
last step: drawing the details:
Ok, now move to china:)
may seem complicated, but after a little practice it works very quickly!
Ok, now I'm ready to ink:)
It May Seem Complicated, But It Takes to a very short time, at least after a little practice! And it works too well with tilted images.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who Sings Baby Baby Baby

Fix the 'error Could not find ISAM istallable

while using the software detected the following problem: Could not find

istallable ISAM

Try the following file: msvbvm60.dll

(via Start> Search> Files or Folders)

copy it to the folder where you installed PhotosImpianti 2010

Rubber Thins For Tech Decks

Windows 7 and PhotosImpianti

PhotosImpianti is compatible with Windows 7 32/64bit, unfortunately the packaging of a software is not easy and many systems may be sucettibili the registration of some component ocx , Visual Studio 6.

One of these could be Mschrt20.ocx

To do so simply copy the directory digest
c: \\ windows \\ SysWOW64 \\
Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and type
regsvr32.exe c: \\ windows \\ SysWOW64 \\ Mschrt20.ocx

to register the component.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vans Shoe Store-application

The new version is ready!

PhotosImpianti 2010 is finally ready! We are in testing and packaging.

the link will be available soon for download, the software will be distributed as shareware, with some limitations, which does not exclude the possibility of estimating the entire photovoltaic system connected to the network.

soon so ...

Greetings to all.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breakout Around Eye Brow Area

PhotosImpianti 2010: Press Report! Thanks

PhotosImpianti 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Long Does It Take Mussels To Go Bad

Special thanks go to all those dutiful and have decided to support the project and to whom I did not respond directly pututo.

Thanks to them and the invaluable help of many people, I could and I am going to utlimate PhotosImpianti the new version, I can assure you will be 'totally different from the previous version.

The amount of work and planning for the time available was very impressive, but we're almost at the end thankfully.

The software will be 'published in FREE version with some functionality' reduced.

soon ..

Friday, September 24, 2010

How To Make Pop Tab Bracelet

Romance Large

I'm posting more often than usual! The fact is that it is very difficult to extract from the register pages and cartoons that are currently working without spoilers, so they are forced to opt for some views, I hope you like them.

Sorry for the Lack of new posts! It's Nearly Impossible to Avoid posting spoilers panels from the album I'm currently drawing, so I'd better choose Some large shots this time. Hope you like them!

Tomorrow, Saturday 25, I'll be in Rapallo for the inauguration of the exhibition that Rapalloonia dedicated this year to the most famous comic criminologist. Obviously this will be Giancarlo Berardi, creator of the series. Location stratospheric, as you can see!

As an aside, I'm going at the vernissage of the exhibit in Rapallo Julia tomorrow (near Genoa), creator Julia G. Berardi is going to be there. As you can see the thing is set in a great location!

(Poster cover illustration by artist Mark Money)

© BERARDI / Bonelli Editore

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brown Mucas Before Perios

PhotosImpianti 2011

PhotosImpianti continue to develop and this time the Team, in collaboration with Eng. (Team SwApplications already author of the software and TDOC MultiDes ) in the new version in preparation for 2011 will be a new form of economic evaluation and business plan is in place for the exchange that dedicated the withdrawal, with all the fiscal aspects of the case.

For now the project is in its infancy but well under way, we hope to publish the work in the coming year.

will keep you updated.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Red Sofa With Dark Floor

a small tool to estimate power / area

In helping those who are always asking me ... "But how many panels are used to 1kWp??" and "How many square feet per 3kWp?"

Here is a nice tool that I extracted from the new PhotosImpianti, which makes you 'two simple Conticini!

Nice Things To Write In Engagement Cards

PhotosImpianti 2010

Continue the work of aging software that will publish short in Free version (with some restrictions). The new version will allow 'greater accuracy in calculations and in estimates of production of a photovoltaic system. Meanwhile

began collaborating with , in which heal 'photovoltaic design and technical engineering.

The site I included a small-grained, with regard to the simulation of the new on-site exchange (GSE).

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wht Is The Mucus You Get Befor

One of my favorite adventures of Julia, of those that I drew.
In the midst of a terrible snowstorm, kidnapped by an escaped convict and the police locked inside the building, between her and the agent Noah love blossoms!

This is one of my favorite adventures of Julia, Among the ones I drew.
Under a tremendous blizzard, kidnapped by a fugitive and stuck inside the police building, she fell in love with Noah agent!

Julia # 107: "The storm"
Story: Berardi / Socks
© BERARDI / Bonelli Editore