Friday, November 19, 2010

Temperature Of Wood Stove

PhotosImpianti 2010 01/02 [Available]

It 'available in the Download version 1.2 PhotosImpianti 2010.


  • Added incentive rates in 2011 Table A Decree DM 06/08/2010 bands
  • Improved algorithm coupled inverter / modules, with output of all electrical parameters relating to the design temperature.
  • Entering the main form of navigation through the tree to form now better visualized and more 'compact.
  • data output system prints and Economic System. Fixed bugs
  • rescue children.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Low Cervix When Period Is Due

Use PVGIS and PhotosImpianti

Photosimpianti By 2010, you can store the data of daily average solar radiation per year, not just choosing between the data store Aeneas, but by manually entering the data of the locations that most interest us.

Let's see how ... in this sense is a very useful service as it gives us very interesting data and useful information on solar energy and performance in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Suppose then we want to post Data Radizione Solar Taranto and its Optimum Tilt in Photosimpianti 2010. Try the following

Link and enter in the text box, "Taranto", then choose the Tab and Monthly Radiation spuntante options as per image below:

At this point select mode "Text File" and press Calculate.
The result is a text file containing valuable information such as the solar radiation on a horizontal plane and the angle of tilt angle for optimal panel.

be sufficient to insert the data in the archive custom data and use the value of Tilt optimal form of system sizing.

The incorporation of solar radiation data in PhotosImpianti 2010, will split the value of solar radiation in the Hh text file for 1000 because the 2010 uses PhotosImpianti kWh / m ^ 2 and not the Wh / m ^ 2 the solar radiation .

Regarding latitude, just use the tool on the software, since it uses the latitude in degrees PVGIS while PhotosImpianti in Decimal. To insert the Media Annual day we divide the value of solar radiation in the Hh Year for 1000 and multiply by the number of days present in one year, 365 . In this case


MediaGo = 4360/1000 * 365 = 1591.4 kWh / m ^ 2

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Red Spots On Tip Oglf My Tounge

2010 Important Update version 1.1 RC

I was able to publish the 1.1 RC (4 / 11 / 2010) of PhotosImpianti 2010.

then I pray all those who have installed the 1.0 RC of proved to run the new install of 1.1 RC (Free Download Manager) for significant corrections made.

To prevent any possible malfunction, completely uninstall the old version making sure you delete the folder "PhotosImpianti 2010" under Programs and install the new version .

Log Fixes and Features 1.1 RC

-Entering Archive panels and inverters 2010
-update-correction algorithm Overload Inverter
Print Output Data System-Entering function suggest
string and blocks according to the Power Inverter rated inputs and Improved Error Handling User-

-correction unit 'of measurement variation correction
-temperature electrical parameters and power current. If