Friday, March 11, 2011

Maxi Mounds Retirement

As a matter of Publication 2011 PhotosImpianti

A short version will be published in 2011 PhotosImpianti , the new version as well as integrating the majority of the functions of creating a photovoltaic system connected to the network's 2010 release, will implement a new module called " Business Plan, developed in Team thanks to the help of 'Landi and Mr. Ing. Milani.

The new module will allow in-depth economic analysis and assessment for all systems connected to the network who decide to adopt the net metering or the withdrawal, mostly.

software will follow the same, the philosophy of the above and you can Dowload Free possbilità as well as the use of and calculation with some limitations.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Columbia Virtual Academy Blog

Festa del Pi Greek! Infinitely

More than twenty years now, on the initiative of ' Exploratorium in San Francisco, mathematicians and enthusiasts around the world celebrate the day of the Pi Greek, English Pi Day!

What are we talking about?

Obviously one of the world's most famous numbers, one of the few that deserves even a Greek letter to represent:

π = 3.14159 ...

And then his day can only be March 14, in the Anglo-Saxon notation 3 / 14 or 3.14, greek approximate more exactly the first two decimal places!

But why the greek pi is so special?
Even the ancients were aware that, given a circle of any size, the ratio between the length of its circumference C and the length of its diameter d is always constant and that is exactly:

C / d = π = 3.14159 ...

The most curious thing is that, although it is defined by the geometric relationship between two variables, pi is a greek irrational number, which can not be expressed by a fraction (ie a ratio of two integers). Therefore has infinite non-periodic decimal places ...

But there is another detail that makes the anniversaries of March 14, even more interesting: The date coincides with the birthday of Albert Einstein , born in Ulm in Germany its March 14, 1879!

In 2009, President Obama officially recognized in the United States on March 14 as a day dedicated to celebrating the most institutionally greek schools, universities and scientific institutions, as an opportunity for informal "encourage young people to study math." The

page the Politecnico di Torino, which also contains a bit 'history and numerous interesting (in Italian).

The page from Wikipedia (in Italian) at day pi greek and greek more.

The page Pi Day Exploratorium in San Francisco (in English).

The official page of the Pi Day (in English).

Customized Jac Vanek Braclets

From March 17 to 20, will be held in Verona the 2011 edition of the festival Infinitely , a weekend full of events, shows and laboratories in the name of curiosity and fun.

And not just for brains ...

This year's festival theme is "Perfection, error difference and focuses on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and robotics. A scientific career, but also across many other disciplines: history, economics, literature, art history, law, mathematics, linguistics, philosophy, genetics, and music. To experience that knowledge can not always be locked up in silos, but more often swells to get to embrace different dimensions of human experience.

Download the complete program PDF, or consult the online calendar of events, which also includes workshops for all ages and shows .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rose Garden Seating By Seat


We set a bit 'of clarity on the new type of exchange on the place came into force in January 1, 2009 with a practical example and some formuletta. Locally

exchange is feasible up to a power of 200 kWp and must be in the same place where the user is connected to the network (POD: Point of Delivery).

To talk about abstruse factors and other tax issues make a practical example:

-------------------------------- Home User ------------------------

the contractual power 3kW photovoltaic system

built up roof 3kWp

's user John Smith picks 2900 kWh annually
--------------------------------- -----------------------

Those above are readily available data, we now turn to some little sum ....

manufacturability year (in this case calculated by PhotosImpianti 2010) is 3750 kWh =

Suppose Mr. Smith absorb the same 60% of 'Energy produced.

Energy Network will Imessa in 3750 - (3750 * 60/100) = 1500 kWh

The amount that you pay for the energy he draws from the network adjusted the cost of transport and dispatching corrsiponde to :
kWh = 2900 * 0.0935 Euro / kWh = 271.15 Euro

The annual value of the energy fed into the grid (peak): C
EI = 1500 * 1.108 * 0.1248 = 207.41 Euro 1.108 where the icon corresponds to 10.8% increase to the low voltage of the energy price of 0.1248 Euro / kWh. The price

Energy is the minimum value in € Euro C between EI and O And in this case: C
= 207.41 Euro

The energy exchanged Es is the lower value between the Enego input (1500 kW) and energy take-up (2800 kWh): Es =


Services = The price CUs * Ex = 0.06 Euro / kWh * 1500kWh = 90euro

Exchange Contribution = + Quote Quote Energy Services

Cs +90 = Euro 207.41 Euro - 267.41 = 30euro (where the fee is 30 Euro for the GSE Service from 3kW to 20kW)

Assuming that Mr. Smith was admitted to an incentive rate with the new Decree DM 06/08/2010 as a category "Plants are made up Buildings of 0.402 Euro / kWh

L 'total incentive year will be: 3750kWh * 0.402 = 1507 Euro

The expected annual earnings will be 1507 +267.41 = 1774.91 Euro

Maxi Micro Micro Bikini

PhotosImpianti 2010 1:25

Available here Free download the new version 1.25 of PhotosImpianti 2010

Log Features:

- Implementation in Single Form to the economic, now it 's handy and visible.
- Bug Fix for Open and File Save the economic
-Correction-compatible prints
Impelemtazione new graphics to change the electrical parameters PV panel
-New Graphic Style XP
-Elimination Google Earth Plugin and the introduction of Google Maps
-Minor Bug Fix

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can I Jack Off With A Uti

Insomnia ...

period of hard work, the blog suffers! Anyway, here a page from the register of Julia that I'm drawing one of the few that do not spoiler :-)

Busy, busy, busy! ... Just a page from the album I'm currently woking on Julia, to let you know that I'm still here ...:-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cellular Respiration Ap Bio Lab Graph

Update 08/01/2010 1:23

Update to version 1.23

correction software sudden exit, at the verification system.

find the setup in the Downloads section of the site.