Monday, May 15, 2006

Windows Vista And Cellebrite Driver

009 - How to create a Video Podcast

Welcome to the second lesson dedicated to Video Podcasting.

Today we face the issue of the tools needed to create a podcast, and in particular a video podcast.

first step 'to register.
If our goal and 'record and publish audio and' can be used simply as a recorder Iriver Mp3 .
If you want to record something more 'complex mixazre or with music, insert interludes, and 'need to use ad hoc software. I recommend Audacity
, a simple but effective software, while for the most 'demanding Epodcast Creator. Epodcast creator allows you to control editing and publishing formats already 'optimized for podcasting. Even create the RSS file that you Serir 'to publish the file.

As for the video - for video mean, in this case, the screen capturing and video with your camcorder, even though much of the information we pass on these lessons can be used for both - the software more 'are two interesting .
Adobe / Macromedia Captivate very easy to use, the screen allows you to record and publish in various formats. E 'can also edit the filamto adding effects such as call out or text.

What I think one of the best software for screen capturing and ' Camtasia Studio , distributed by Techsmith.
Camtasia allows capturing a screen, an easy 'editing and publication that has few rivals.
It allows effects such as zoom and repositioning-screen, in the process of editing, in addition to text and call out the use of various kinds.
also allows you to edit and create audio files separately and mix them together with video editing environment.
For publication supports many formats including Here QuickTime, Flash and AVI Videos.

In the next episode we will enter more 'in detail and we'll see how to set up a Camtasia screen capturing in a few minutes.

Lesson 009

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Texas Mold Disclosure

002 008 - How to create a Video Podcast 01

will start from today a mini series in the podcast dedicated to how to make a Video Podcast from scratch.

address this issue in the next 5 episodes are going to see what are the tools, the software, the best technology to make a video podcast without breaking the bank.

In this first episode we dealt with the world of podcas in general.
E 'necessary before you begin, be aware of what's happening in the podcast. New productions born every day and the market is developing very fast.

The best tools for staying informed are:

Itunes, of course. Software produced by Apple and has literally revolutionized the market for podcasts in June last year when he released a version that ran podcasts

Yahoo Podcast, released a few weeks but already 'promises to become a leader in the field. You can listen to and manage the entries from the site. Yahoo also offers the opportunity 'to download a software that lets you manage the music in addition to the podcast, a kind of Itunes, but still has some problems.

Directories as Podcast Alley that simply collect and organize podcasts in categories

Odeo and 'a very interesting site. Created by the founder of Blogger, and 'was one of the first to believe in the market for podcasts. It allows you to create your own playlists, organize your podcasts, listen to network, comment and recently introduced a tool that allows you to record your audio directly on the site.

write me if you have specific questions or just for the skiing a comment :-)

Lesson 008

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Golden Birthday Cakes

007 - Excel - Vlookup Part 2

find an exact match within a range of values \u200b\u200bwithout having to reorder the source table.

This versatile function lends itself well to compare two lists. His versatility 'is the ability', in contrast to the MATCH function to extract values \u200b\u200brelated to the cell face. In this lesson we
the example of a list of Clent of 2005 and a 2006.
delel Comparing the two lists of the names we want to extract the value of sales of the first list.

= VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
There is also a formula to compare values \u200b\u200bthat are arranged horizontally: = VLOOKUP

Lesson 007

PS I would like to thank everyone who wrote to me.
I remind you that if you want you can write to me at maxtech.italy @ for suggestions, tips and just to let me know if you like the video podcast.


My Odeo Channel (odeo/021112f338ec5704)