Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Golden Birthday Cakes

007 - Excel - Vlookup Part 2

find an exact match within a range of values \u200b\u200bwithout having to reorder the source table.

This versatile function lends itself well to compare two lists. His versatility 'is the ability', in contrast to the MATCH function to extract values \u200b\u200brelated to the cell face. In this lesson we
the example of a list of Clent of 2005 and a 2006.
delel Comparing the two lists of the names we want to extract the value of sales of the first list.

= VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
There is also a formula to compare values \u200b\u200bthat are arranged horizontally: = VLOOKUP

Lesson 007

PS I would like to thank everyone who wrote to me.
I remind you that if you want you can write to me at maxtech.italy @ for suggestions, tips and just to let me know if you like the video podcast.


My Odeo Channel (odeo/021112f338ec5704)


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