Friday, May 22, 2009

Palm Springs Gel Nail Salon

Being a Pr / 2. Stupid or not stupid: the realization

I decided to write a new post today, Friday afternoon at 18.24, because I did not want to spend too much time from the previous year. And why, ladies and gentlemen, this is the post n.113, as the number of police. There are-nothing (if Mourinho can create new words and expressions at random, like "tituli tory" because I can not do?) Alone in this room, office room - account number 4 - which overlooks the ghetto, a notoriously of my favorite neighborhoods in Rome. I finished my first three weeks of Pierre, which is fine if they become five. Five and stop. Ah yes, the eternal love for this city (and a group of friendly and creative work) tried my soul pennivendola fashionable with a couple more weeks to the Agency. And I, weak rome-employee who longs to go to an office every day, leaving in peace crackers the soy in plain sight (which means: the place is mine) and a box of snail mail qualchecosa long as it's the name of a company, I accepted. Always finish, though. Because they are always convinced that the game is great when short-lived.
All this is prologue for one and one purpose only: to break a lance in favor of these poor pierre. The journalists, in fact, the category that there is more acidic and lazy. Yes, if we are not regurgitate, if we are not invited, thanked, and again thanked flattered, do not move a finger. Or at least I do. Slam me and call the press to get the material. And sometimes, if they give me, I find it somewhat otherwise. From the outside the modus operandi of dozens of famous (well most illustrious of me) gentlemen, I begs a question: are the only idiot journalist in the world?
And with this question in mind, I begin the weekend in Rome.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hiv Test Negative After 13 Months


Pages scattered extracted from the register of Julia currently on newsstands. Usually a sketch with 2B pencil 0.7 mm, and then finish with the 0.5 B or 2B. Charter semiruvida Schoeller Durex 250g. Some backgrounds are missing here I've sketched quickly before the review.

Random Julia pencil pages from the current issue. I sketch with 2B and refine 0.7 mm 0.5 mm with B or 2B pencils. The paper is Schoeller Durex 250g semi-rough. Some backgrounds are missing, I've Sketched Them Quickly before inking.

story by Berardi / Socks

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Acuarium Pearls 2010

Being a PR

E 'a scandal. I do not write more than two months and my only reader sent me Uun threatening message at least before Easter. Why I decided to take the plunge and re-open a post and leave aside all forms of intellectual that I have characterized the last period (creative, rather than intellectual)? Why I became a pierre. Even if only for a short, very short period. And, you know, pierre have creativity that oozes from every pore, emanate communication, smiles and tears of balls as if they were wrapped chocolate sweets. However I can confirm: Pierre is not made. I am not, for a change. Tinker before the press asking why else pay me to write that crap overflow adjectives and adverbs from everywhere, and here is to select a few simple words to communicate ideas effectively as minor. And so I now use terms such as stakeholders, benchmarking and the like. I have an office Agency (CIA that does so much) shared with a transplanted Veneto in Rome that does not give up conversations in dialect and a strange person by foreign names and laugh emphysema is nice because I know by heart the first page of The Betrothed and tried to make me a good parallelism between Manzoni and the patrols of Maroni at 11 am on a May Day work, before a cappuccino. Both chimneys are missing.
As a rule the other end of the telephone wire (the one where it says: "Marta ciaaaaao Xyz are KFH communication," but one where you answer a cold sweat "er .. yes me just a BJK bad time, I can send it via email? ") I decided that if I am not a born pierre, I have enough elements are in place to become an original look for these two weeks. We'll be in the Hamlet-like dilemma what kind of Pr want to be?
1) the Scazzi : I didn't want to do anything and do not give anything to see him. Only communicate by email, do not you call 150 times for the recall and the press. The purpose of his life is the credit the bank account on the 27th of the month.
2) the mussel: not you come off a minute. Calling you to tell you that it will send a statement that has just made a statement, if you received the statement and why you did not answer, if you come to the event, why do not you come and - if so - will you have fun? Usually it is stored on the mobile phone number, to prevent the disaster rather than cure.
3) the buddy (pimp version of the mussel) is one that calls for the first time and seems to be childhood friends. "Ciaaaaaaaaoooo Marta, but how are you? Work? Yeah I guess, now you're not even stop for a minute .. I with my cat, yoga and fit the pump .. but why oh where do you go to gym? "
4) a bitch: do not respond to email so you have to call and not always in a meeting and if you want you can talk with a colleague. You have to beg for invitations, press. Does its work only after much prayer walk on their knees chickpea. Do not greet you when you see it for yourself, and although you did view 4567 times, you do not remember who you are you. E 'la pierre most hated and powerful, that it takes forever and never happened.
will be a difficult choice. Definitely.