Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Does Staples Charge For Faxing

2008 Almost Over

whatever one may say the most, I liked this year. There was February 29 and we have not won the European Cup, Embee? Still missing one day and this makes my opinion a very hasty because surely, in these times, places and people, anything can happen. But my budget did was the year of Capricorn, and I I have benefited from the confluence astral (and also the deck that I made in many cases) and now I regret it to end. It 's the first year that I did not do the canonical "good intentions" (see post signed last year) and gather positive results. Arancini Chinese, not watermelons from a two and three pounds. And since yesterday reminded me of when the protagonist of his beautiful Quiet Chaos was "life lists" .. here is my list of 2008. A little 'Manichean, to be honest. Good things vs. bad things.
beautiful things
1. Seychelles
2. purple rubber rain boots, thanks to you I definitely avoided illnesses
3. race
4. Spaghetti with cheese and pepper Felice a Testaccio
5. The video of the Papeete dancing Cri
6. The pasta sauce cooked in the home of James in Step Corese with Laura and Robin
7. See "thing called love" at four in the afternoon on January 31 with Daniela
8. The journalist card
9. beach tennis games on the beach with my father and piquidus
10. piquidus
11. the final of the Miss Italy bujaccaro
12. District 8 Police
13. Michael Jackson maybe Miori
14. Ibrahimovic Mediaset Premium ridiculed in advertising that says, "a bal, a bal"
bad things
1. Channel 5 has bought a package of Christmas films made in Germany
2. The final 8 Dostretto Police
3. Valentine's Day to the cinema to see the film Muccino jr \u200b\u200b
4. The film of Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo
5. The handle of the bag that I break before the Versace show
6. cold
7. Silvio to the government, but more Tremonti Economy
8. The Superenalotto has won one of Catania and I
9. If I'm not going over the 60 to Piazza Venezia. But in Milan on 60 there?
10. Mourinho talkative interviewed Sunday night
good things bad things beats 14-10

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

37 Weeks Pregnant And Stool Is Very Black Why

A thought pre Christmas

After writing hundreds of lines gifts on the most unlikely (You start with the new version in which Cicciobello pees on girls aspiring mothers in ten or fifteen years do not take a child pees needless death) to Chinese courses for beginners, I thought a Christmas launch. First, I state that I, a champion of Christmas, where the author of post-lights-lights are set off by Lucette, colored papers, reflective tape and so on and so forth, this year I've become cynical. Aye, there-ni-ca. In the bone. So much so that my mother's hopes in vain that I empty those boxes of the crib and turn the clutter of figurines wrapped in a newspaper in 1992, a Christmas scene of relief. Sucked by a thousand things of equal importance (see the spring / summer collections) I have lost along the way the spirit of Christmas. And then the way I have some 'found. I walked down Corso Vittorio Emanuele (I never know if a course or something but who cares) when I see them. Man Lcd 42 "plasma and the human machine. Someone accumulates around these men led by an appliance that covers the face and photographing them, someone is intrigued. And I think, in order:
1) it rains, and these poor bastards if they are around the head with a television
2) but what those things weigh?
3) but we are not in the era of youtube, facebook, video on giant video screens of Times Square have come too Piazza Duomo?
Obviously not, if the Samsung chose to use this archaic form of advertising.
My thought of Christmas must be you, man LCD 42''and a man washing machine. If there is a committee for the liberation of garden gnomes, I fund a committee of Liberation for you. In the name of a charity Christmas that can not be dead and buried in 365 days. Or not?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lady Doctor Check The Penis

è'n the great Milan milan

I'm not dead. And this is the number one news. Maybe I will tonight because after a weekend with a high rate of food (press trip in a hotel-spa in Madonna di Campiglio with every possible food combination and "disgusting" proven and avant-garde) not only did I still feel hungry, but I will have the nerve to eat a pizza before going to the movies. Not to mention that in ten days is Christmas and I expect a sumptuous lunch. So I should follow the example of good fashion journalists who do not taste anything except a slice of turkey (which is so thin) and a new potato on 25. The cake is only if one has the usual first course of ten miles. And not because of too many carboiodrati 25 in a day are notoriously bad.
One of my readers (: D) asked where I was over. And I say, in Milan, baby.
In Milan, where the early bird catches the worm (and at 8:30 on Tuesday morning running around in the cathedral square breathing the air that burns the nose) and the evening before sleep Matrix (if it arrives) if not sleepy from the first round of the advertisements idiot. Except that the evening is spent at home and not drive along Viale Zara while drawing back from number three, the duvet dreaming and singing some awful song that gives a lively touch to a landscape of suburban outcasts who are confined in the front row kebab or outcast flying down the street with long black and pretending to call, as a tribute to Lady equal opportunities. The thing that baffles me most to me in my late arrivals at home is the row of cars to drive mc Viale Fulvio Testi. Code of tormented souls who give something to a mc so as not to put on the water at ten.
In Milan, where the controller is waiting for the poor, damned unlucky passengers with an anonymous dark circles and humid Thursday in mid-December, nine in the evening. Incredibly workaholic. In Rome, the CGIL would strike to protect the fortunes of the poor and the efforts to stem the controllers. While the passenger in the face of so great example of honorable service, have pulled out the fifty euro: well-deserved hundred percent and stop. Or would play straight to the super enalotto that these things happen once in a lifetime.
In Milan, where the coffee costs ninety cents (as well as Trent) and where the Moratti has removed the squatters from the exhibition of ohbej oh bej. Moral of the story? Horrible, distorted, and flat Pallosa. But they were beautiful young Punkabbestia who traveled with the truck and the gs with the pot inside the Vinbrulè be distributed in paper cups can be hot? And those who went with the sausage and lentils? To watch closely from a distance for someone like me who holds the purse for Amuchina gel when it touches the train. Sure, there are fewer and vuitton fake Gucci bags, pace of Marc Jacobs and pleated skirts of his beloved.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Simpsons Hit And Run Play Online For Free

Blogs AN

for personal and business are forced, against my will, to abandon the project blog of AN Vigonza. There being no one else to carry it out will probably be closed permanently.
Among other things, now the political arrangements of the National Alliance at the national level do not see an alternative to dissolution for joining the PDL.
This change in national political structure, which I find very skeptical, is one of personal reasons why I do not feel to continue this project.
Thank you all.
Stefano Danish

Monday, December 1, 2008

Lumbar Disc Osteophyte Complex Treatment

strategic project band Brenta

This is the table of project proposal of the strategic project of the end of the Brenta. The Administration cleats, supported by all parties except the Northern League, has rejected this hypothesis. YOUR SAY.