Monday, April 26, 2010

Meningitis Rash Feel Like

How long since last post ... Some pencils
drawn from the register of Julia out in June, trying to avoid spoilers. I have already talked about the story in this post . Thank you for the setting of heart my dear friends Helen, Katie and Antonio (respectively architects ed ingegnere) che mi hanno edotto in materia di cantieri con un dossier fotografico preso sul campo, insomma questa volta avremo un pizzico di Bologna a Garden City!
Julia #141, storia: Berardi-Calza, Sergio Bonelli editore.

A long time since the last post...
Some pencils from my new album of Julia, I've picked them out from the 126 pages stack trying to avoid spoliers. It's the story I mentioned here , set in the world of construction workers. A couple of dear friends of mine, architect Elena and Katia and engineer Antonio, have been of invaluable help providing dozens of pictures of a construction site they preojected, my deep gratitude goes to them !
Julia #141, story: Berardi-Calza. Sergio Bonelli publisher.

And some cartoon preview of the fifth volume of Thomas Silane, the second chapter of a series of three books that will end in 2011. More information here .
History: Chanoinat-Buendia, colors: Cyril Saint-Blancat. Grand Angle / Bamboo edition

and Some panels from Thomas Silane 5, the second chapter three of the album cycle started last year, for more info check this link .
Story by Buendia-Chanoinat, by Cyril Saint-Blancat colors. Grand Angle / Bamboo edition


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