Thursday, November 27, 2008

Short Congratulations Quotes

public assembly Busa

tonight at 21.00 at room Perlasca (primary sculpture) public meeting.
Odg: public works and maintenance 2008, new middle school and gym, a project of the Brenta range, rotary SR 515 SR11, metro station, flush.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Where To Buyschwarzkopf

Separated at home ...

As has read and re-read the election manifesto of the coalition, I found nothing in reference to the displacement hypermarket coop. Probably at the time this document was printed by the Northern League Vigonza not considered so important to include it. Today it is no longer the case. L ' Ipercoop was wanted by the coalition of center and all the then minority has opposed the project with no results.
The league, not being represented in the municipal council, has made his personal political battle by collecting signatures against the construction of the new hypermarket.
I have nothing to say in the personal struggles of each party, but when I outside the government program you can not feel betrayed because the coalition parties do not agree.
Among other things, the League has forgotten that it was offered to Ipercoop the transfer of its settlement in the area near the Repsol and that the company has a negative answer. Dear
Giovannoni, as are the statements made in bad taste to the press, I do not consider this a crisis of majority but only a moment of personal deviation.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Tell New Baby Born Sms

New ideas brewing in Vigonza

The phrase which is stated in the title I took from the site re-construction of League North Vigo .... but the new idea that's cooking is the shift dell'Ipercoop and all related?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Starter Orbit Instruction Manual


enter the supermarket with a blind dog The director insulted by a customer
the morning of Padua - November 17, 2008 page 16 section: PROVINCE

VIGONZA. Brings the supermarket with a blind dog, director insulted by a customer. It 'happened on Friday at Al Busa. The man, a stranger had entered 13 minutes before taking trained a Labrador on a leash. He was followed by an attendant. Inside were three customers, including a fifty of the place. "When the woman saw the dog with the disabled - said Luke Bettin, director - she started to scream it out, because the dog could have been dirty, that such a thing was not allowed. I tried to explain that the man was a disabled person, that there was no impediment because he could be spending. And that I would go even if it were accompanied by an elephant. She started to scream even more. " On hearing the protests, the blind person wanted to leave. But the director has held, and offered to help him. "Besides the man was polite and cultured, he pulled out the license that showed his condition and the right to be accompanied by the dog. An animal trained and intelligent: in each lane was put in front of and addressed his master. " Seeing dismissed his protests, she left the cart full of goods and walked out vowing that he would not enter into the supermarket. "Then we came back and rethought insulting me again before leaving permanently," he adds Bettin. The director, however, has helped the blind to finish her shopping, pausing over the closing time. When he left, the man wanted his address. "I never thought of being a front of someone so insensitive, "concludes the director. (Ga)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mucus And Blood Coming Out Of My Cats Nose

ADSL - the site of Vigonza Viva


On 26/11/2007 I was assigned by the Mayor, the delegation to see if there are real you may bring your ADSL service to Codiverno Pionca and now without.
On this theme, to which priority should be given an immediate response are the local schools, businesses and user privacy.
First of all are the three local schools that are not equipped to service broadband. At secondary schools Codiverno was less than a year opened a new computer lab of 26 stations produced with the assistance of the Foundation of Cassa di Risparmio. Pionca Elementary School has a computer room of 12 computers. Without the internet connection speed these structures can not fully express their potential and prove to be inadequate, are fully aware of this and school leaders that the Administration.
follows closely the world of production and private users. Today the service is of absolute importance of broadband technology for professionals, businesses, students but also for their families so as to constitute almost as an emergency and need a quick response and immediate. Tomorrow is too late. Telecom so far has not moved and did not demonstrate you want to do despite the stresses that different administrations have moved against him. Photographed this situation of immobility, municipal offices with the Administration have drawn up a notice, which closed Oct. 24 to select a potential operator interested primarily in a very short time to provide the service to schools and at the same time give an opportunity to link ADSL to those companies and individuals who want it. It 's a chance that before the public did not and when, within days, will be Announcement of the award will take only if they wish, without any constraint.
Simple and straightforward. The Administration will continue to put pressure on Telecom, nothing will change on this front. For the Administration Telecom remains the ultimate solution but in the interim we have tried to give a chance to those people and businesses can not do without the service.
The final award of the Contract will be in those days. Known that the company has submitted the best offer in terms of cost and service we could do more of the reflections. Of course we hope soon to have brought the DSL schools and we could present an immediate solution to the citizens waiting Telecom decides to move.
Sebastian UPDATED

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Free Female Genitalia Tatoo Galery

Honorary Citizenship to the teacher Jerome Cortella

Great excitement last night in the City Council to the delivery of honorary citizenship to the Cav. No. Jerome Cortella.
have read the reasons for the proposal to supply, and has been undertaking because the reasons were really a lot. Jerome
Cortella, elementary school teacher, made a Knight of the Republic by President Saragat on 02/06/1968 and Cav. Journal by the President Leone 27/12/1973 Gold Medal Ministry of Education conferred the 24/05/1986, was city councilor and vice mayor in Vigonza come Berti (1958-1964) and mayor from 1964 to 1970. Under his leadership, was adopted the first Plan of the town of Vigo voted in the session of the municipal council unanimously 11/04/1968.
The evening then saw the intervention of the Cav. Cortella that he felt honored the contribution, first recalled the adoption of the PRG and the Mayor and wished us all good wishes for the preparation of new planning tool called PAT. Then there was the delivery of the supply and the plaque.
Cortella excited and the teacher, to tell the Indeed, a big thrill came to me, because seeing this feeling in a person who helped change our country was really touching.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Unlocked Games For School

MO> VI ART '08 November 15 to 23

From painting to video art, sculpture, drawing, photography, installations: open to all languages \u200b\u200band technologies of the modern first edition: MO> VI Arts the '08 Group Exhibition of Contemporary Art to be held from November 15 to 23 at the Palazzo Spada in Vigonza .
The Department of Culture has issued in June, the Competition Rules for participation in the exhibition MO> VI Arts '08 with the intent to promote contemporary art in the territory of Vigo.
Objective of the Call and the exhibition is to create a Mo> movements understood as intensity, traffic, entertainment, parade of thoughts, works and artists.
were 139 applications for participation submitted to municipal offices. The works, from all over Italy and abroad (England and USA) are the result of the work of already established talent and new names of contemporary art.
The Jury chaired by art critic Anna Sandonà, has selected 26 + 1 [out of competition] works that will go to an exhibition.
The winner will be rewarded with the purchase of the work that will form the permanent collection of contemporary art of the municipality of Vigo.
Out of competition will be hosted the works of some artists from the town of Belene (Bulgaria) twinned with the town of Vigo in continuation of trade and growth path that the two territories have long since undertaken.
Palazzo Spada, Via Roma, Vigo.
Opening and Announcement of Winner Saturday, November 15
Open 17 hours: Sunday 10-12 14 - 18Lunedì - Saturday 14-18
Free Entry

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Aluminum Boat Liner


On November 12, 2003 is the first serious attack of Nasiriyah. At 10:40 local time, 08:40 in Italy, a tanker truck full of espolosivo broke out in front of the Italian military base, causing the explosion of the ammunition depot of the base and the deaths of several people, including soldiers and civilians. The attempt to Andrea Filippa, guards the entrance to the base "Mistral", to stop with the machine gun, heavy equipment, the two suicide bombers is vain, indeed, said the attackers to fire with Kalashnikovs. The first aid was provided by the new Iraqi police and civilians of the place. The explosion was also involved in the troupe's director Stefano Rolla, who was on site to film a dramatized reconstruction in Nasiriyah by Italian soldiers
The Carabinieri
Massimiliano Bruno, Warrant Officers, Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art
Giovanni Cavallaro, Giuseppe Coletta Lieutenant
, Brigadier
Andrea Filippa, pinned
Enzo Fregosi, Lieutenant
Daniele Ghione, Chief Marshal Horatio
pinned Ivan Ghitti,
Domenico Intravaia sergeant, sergeant vice
Filippo Merlino, Lieutenant
Alfio Ragazzi, Warrant Officers, Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art
Alfonso Trincone, Lieutenant
Alessandro Carrisi, first Corporal
Emanuele Ferraro, Corporal elected leader
Massimo Ficuciello, captain
Silvio Olla, marshal head
Pietro Petrucci, Corporal
Marco Beci, international cooperation
Stefano Rolla, director

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cubase 5 Dongle Emulation Mac

Something will change

change something, change something in the meantime. A sentence stratrita and portray her in these days of obamiana victory. America choose what they Silvio Berlusconi has called a young handsome and tanned (which is also the middle name Hussein), I'll take and I'm going back from whence they came. -From my old room which overlooks the school, by-the frenzy of the streets of Milan, from the tram-tram in the north. What a little 'is a step backwards, and this I feel so strong and determined, but a little' sigificherà I hope to go further. In addition to what I was doing and what they are and I will.
And to think that I started this blog three years ago when me and my dreams have left me a life that fit like a glove - a limited and protected world, a group of friends who are still tied up, a system made up of university meritocracy - that for another, far different and gave me great satisfaction and great disappointment at the same time. A reality that made me come to terms with the true reality, with all that it entails. I built many things over the past three years, from friendships, some of which will last forever and others that are already broken or are very very bruised, end up with the professional and this room with the color indefinite and indefinable around me. It makes me smile when I think of what it took me to hang a picture .. and the fact that I have not yet installed the chandelier and curtains (bought exactly a year ago.) How long did it take to fill the shelves of the library (they are missing at least seven) and how many things, good and bad, have done and said in this house. And then there are those things that I would not ever change: the movie nights to Mignon that makes us the discount journalists, pizza Giacomelli and gricia Gildo. The Coliseum lights you see when you come by car from Testaccio, the narrow streets of Monti, Prati and the austere palaces of the racket of Garbatella. The cashier Conad, the bartender who does not understand anything of Giolitti, the washerwoman from which we leave things and let's pick up months later and the legendary Dr. Shit that making photocopies tr takes three hours. But, for a change, you must start from somewhere .. and this is my point. That will not be able to permanently close a door and open a gate, is chiaro.Questo let him do a tanned young man named Barack Obama. That means that means change.