Saturday, November 15, 2008

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Honorary Citizenship to the teacher Jerome Cortella

Great excitement last night in the City Council to the delivery of honorary citizenship to the Cav. No. Jerome Cortella.
have read the reasons for the proposal to supply, and has been undertaking because the reasons were really a lot. Jerome
Cortella, elementary school teacher, made a Knight of the Republic by President Saragat on 02/06/1968 and Cav. Journal by the President Leone 27/12/1973 Gold Medal Ministry of Education conferred the 24/05/1986, was city councilor and vice mayor in Vigonza come Berti (1958-1964) and mayor from 1964 to 1970. Under his leadership, was adopted the first Plan of the town of Vigo voted in the session of the municipal council unanimously 11/04/1968.
The evening then saw the intervention of the Cav. Cortella that he felt honored the contribution, first recalled the adoption of the PRG and the Mayor and wished us all good wishes for the preparation of new planning tool called PAT. Then there was the delivery of the supply and the plaque.
Cortella excited and the teacher, to tell the Indeed, a big thrill came to me, because seeing this feeling in a person who helped change our country was really touching.


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