Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Starter Orbit Instruction Manual


enter the supermarket with a blind dog The director insulted by a customer
the morning of Padua - November 17, 2008 page 16 section: PROVINCE

VIGONZA. Brings the supermarket with a blind dog, director insulted by a customer. It 'happened on Friday at Al Busa. The man, a stranger had entered 13 minutes before taking trained a Labrador on a leash. He was followed by an attendant. Inside were three customers, including a fifty of the place. "When the woman saw the dog with the disabled - said Luke Bettin, director - she started to scream it out, because the dog could have been dirty, that such a thing was not allowed. I tried to explain that the man was a disabled person, that there was no impediment because he could be spending. And that I would go even if it were accompanied by an elephant. She started to scream even more. " On hearing the protests, the blind person wanted to leave. But the director has held, and offered to help him. "Besides the man was polite and cultured, he pulled out the license that showed his condition and the right to be accompanied by the dog. An animal trained and intelligent: in each lane was put in front of and addressed his master. " Seeing dismissed his protests, she left the cart full of goods and walked out vowing that he would not enter into the supermarket. "Then we came back and rethought insulting me again before leaving permanently," he adds Bettin. The director, however, has helped the blind to finish her shopping, pausing over the closing time. When he left, the man wanted his address. "I never thought of being a front of someone so insensitive, "concludes the director. (Ga)


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