Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Aluminum Boat Liner


On November 12, 2003 is the first serious attack of Nasiriyah. At 10:40 local time, 08:40 in Italy, a tanker truck full of espolosivo broke out in front of the Italian military base, causing the explosion of the ammunition depot of the base and the deaths of several people, including soldiers and civilians. The attempt to Andrea Filippa, guards the entrance to the base "Mistral", to stop with the machine gun, heavy equipment, the two suicide bombers is vain, indeed, said the attackers to fire with Kalashnikovs. The first aid was provided by the new Iraqi police and civilians of the place. The explosion was also involved in the troupe's director Stefano Rolla, who was on site to film a dramatized reconstruction in Nasiriyah by Italian soldiers
The Carabinieri
Massimiliano Bruno, Warrant Officers, Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art
Giovanni Cavallaro, Giuseppe Coletta Lieutenant
, Brigadier
Andrea Filippa, pinned
Enzo Fregosi, Lieutenant
Daniele Ghione, Chief Marshal Horatio
pinned Ivan Ghitti,
Domenico Intravaia sergeant, sergeant vice
Filippo Merlino, Lieutenant
Alfio Ragazzi, Warrant Officers, Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art
Alfonso Trincone, Lieutenant
Alessandro Carrisi, first Corporal
Emanuele Ferraro, Corporal elected leader
Massimo Ficuciello, captain
Silvio Olla, marshal head
Pietro Petrucci, Corporal
Marco Beci, international cooperation
Stefano Rolla, director


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