Friday, November 14, 2008

Unlocked Games For School

MO> VI ART '08 November 15 to 23

From painting to video art, sculpture, drawing, photography, installations: open to all languages \u200b\u200band technologies of the modern first edition: MO> VI Arts the '08 Group Exhibition of Contemporary Art to be held from November 15 to 23 at the Palazzo Spada in Vigonza .
The Department of Culture has issued in June, the Competition Rules for participation in the exhibition MO> VI Arts '08 with the intent to promote contemporary art in the territory of Vigo.
Objective of the Call and the exhibition is to create a Mo> movements understood as intensity, traffic, entertainment, parade of thoughts, works and artists.
were 139 applications for participation submitted to municipal offices. The works, from all over Italy and abroad (England and USA) are the result of the work of already established talent and new names of contemporary art.
The Jury chaired by art critic Anna Sandonà, has selected 26 + 1 [out of competition] works that will go to an exhibition.
The winner will be rewarded with the purchase of the work that will form the permanent collection of contemporary art of the municipality of Vigo.
Out of competition will be hosted the works of some artists from the town of Belene (Bulgaria) twinned with the town of Vigo in continuation of trade and growth path that the two territories have long since undertaken.
Palazzo Spada, Via Roma, Vigo.
Opening and Announcement of Winner Saturday, November 15
Open 17 hours: Sunday 10-12 14 - 18Lunedì - Saturday 14-18
Free Entry


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