Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Does Staples Charge For Faxing

2008 Almost Over

whatever one may say the most, I liked this year. There was February 29 and we have not won the European Cup, Embee? Still missing one day and this makes my opinion a very hasty because surely, in these times, places and people, anything can happen. But my budget did was the year of Capricorn, and I I have benefited from the confluence astral (and also the deck that I made in many cases) and now I regret it to end. It 's the first year that I did not do the canonical "good intentions" (see post signed last year) and gather positive results. Arancini Chinese, not watermelons from a two and three pounds. And since yesterday reminded me of when the protagonist of his beautiful Quiet Chaos was "life lists" .. here is my list of 2008. A little 'Manichean, to be honest. Good things vs. bad things.
beautiful things
1. Seychelles
2. purple rubber rain boots, thanks to you I definitely avoided illnesses
3. race
4. Spaghetti with cheese and pepper Felice a Testaccio
5. The video of the Papeete dancing Cri
6. The pasta sauce cooked in the home of James in Step Corese with Laura and Robin
7. See "thing called love" at four in the afternoon on January 31 with Daniela
8. The journalist card
9. beach tennis games on the beach with my father and piquidus
10. piquidus
11. the final of the Miss Italy bujaccaro
12. District 8 Police
13. Michael Jackson maybe Miori
14. Ibrahimovic Mediaset Premium ridiculed in advertising that says, "a bal, a bal"
bad things
1. Channel 5 has bought a package of Christmas films made in Germany
2. The final 8 Dostretto Police
3. Valentine's Day to the cinema to see the film Muccino jr \u200b\u200b
4. The film of Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo
5. The handle of the bag that I break before the Versace show
6. cold
7. Silvio to the government, but more Tremonti Economy
8. The Superenalotto has won one of Catania and I
9. If I'm not going over the 60 to Piazza Venezia. But in Milan on 60 there?
10. Mourinho talkative interviewed Sunday night
good things bad things beats 14-10

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

37 Weeks Pregnant And Stool Is Very Black Why

A thought pre Christmas

After writing hundreds of lines gifts on the most unlikely (You start with the new version in which Cicciobello pees on girls aspiring mothers in ten or fifteen years do not take a child pees needless death) to Chinese courses for beginners, I thought a Christmas launch. First, I state that I, a champion of Christmas, where the author of post-lights-lights are set off by Lucette, colored papers, reflective tape and so on and so forth, this year I've become cynical. Aye, there-ni-ca. In the bone. So much so that my mother's hopes in vain that I empty those boxes of the crib and turn the clutter of figurines wrapped in a newspaper in 1992, a Christmas scene of relief. Sucked by a thousand things of equal importance (see the spring / summer collections) I have lost along the way the spirit of Christmas. And then the way I have some 'found. I walked down Corso Vittorio Emanuele (I never know if a course or something but who cares) when I see them. Man Lcd 42 "plasma and the human machine. Someone accumulates around these men led by an appliance that covers the face and photographing them, someone is intrigued. And I think, in order:
1) it rains, and these poor bastards if they are around the head with a television
2) but what those things weigh?
3) but we are not in the era of youtube, facebook, video on giant video screens of Times Square have come too Piazza Duomo?
Obviously not, if the Samsung chose to use this archaic form of advertising.
My thought of Christmas must be you, man LCD 42''and a man washing machine. If there is a committee for the liberation of garden gnomes, I fund a committee of Liberation for you. In the name of a charity Christmas that can not be dead and buried in 365 days. Or not?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lady Doctor Check The Penis

è'n the great Milan milan

I'm not dead. And this is the number one news. Maybe I will tonight because after a weekend with a high rate of food (press trip in a hotel-spa in Madonna di Campiglio with every possible food combination and "disgusting" proven and avant-garde) not only did I still feel hungry, but I will have the nerve to eat a pizza before going to the movies. Not to mention that in ten days is Christmas and I expect a sumptuous lunch. So I should follow the example of good fashion journalists who do not taste anything except a slice of turkey (which is so thin) and a new potato on 25. The cake is only if one has the usual first course of ten miles. And not because of too many carboiodrati 25 in a day are notoriously bad.
One of my readers (: D) asked where I was over. And I say, in Milan, baby.
In Milan, where the early bird catches the worm (and at 8:30 on Tuesday morning running around in the cathedral square breathing the air that burns the nose) and the evening before sleep Matrix (if it arrives) if not sleepy from the first round of the advertisements idiot. Except that the evening is spent at home and not drive along Viale Zara while drawing back from number three, the duvet dreaming and singing some awful song that gives a lively touch to a landscape of suburban outcasts who are confined in the front row kebab or outcast flying down the street with long black and pretending to call, as a tribute to Lady equal opportunities. The thing that baffles me most to me in my late arrivals at home is the row of cars to drive mc Viale Fulvio Testi. Code of tormented souls who give something to a mc so as not to put on the water at ten.
In Milan, where the controller is waiting for the poor, damned unlucky passengers with an anonymous dark circles and humid Thursday in mid-December, nine in the evening. Incredibly workaholic. In Rome, the CGIL would strike to protect the fortunes of the poor and the efforts to stem the controllers. While the passenger in the face of so great example of honorable service, have pulled out the fifty euro: well-deserved hundred percent and stop. Or would play straight to the super enalotto that these things happen once in a lifetime.
In Milan, where the coffee costs ninety cents (as well as Trent) and where the Moratti has removed the squatters from the exhibition of ohbej oh bej. Moral of the story? Horrible, distorted, and flat Pallosa. But they were beautiful young Punkabbestia who traveled with the truck and the gs with the pot inside the Vinbrulè be distributed in paper cups can be hot? And those who went with the sausage and lentils? To watch closely from a distance for someone like me who holds the purse for Amuchina gel when it touches the train. Sure, there are fewer and vuitton fake Gucci bags, pace of Marc Jacobs and pleated skirts of his beloved.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Simpsons Hit And Run Play Online For Free

Blogs AN

for personal and business are forced, against my will, to abandon the project blog of AN Vigonza. There being no one else to carry it out will probably be closed permanently.
Among other things, now the political arrangements of the National Alliance at the national level do not see an alternative to dissolution for joining the PDL.
This change in national political structure, which I find very skeptical, is one of personal reasons why I do not feel to continue this project.
Thank you all.
Stefano Danish

Monday, December 1, 2008

Lumbar Disc Osteophyte Complex Treatment

strategic project band Brenta

This is the table of project proposal of the strategic project of the end of the Brenta. The Administration cleats, supported by all parties except the Northern League, has rejected this hypothesis. YOUR SAY.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Short Congratulations Quotes

public assembly Busa

tonight at 21.00 at room Perlasca (primary sculpture) public meeting.
Odg: public works and maintenance 2008, new middle school and gym, a project of the Brenta range, rotary SR 515 SR11, metro station, flush.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Where To Buyschwarzkopf

Separated at home ...

As has read and re-read the election manifesto of the coalition, I found nothing in reference to the displacement hypermarket coop. Probably at the time this document was printed by the Northern League Vigonza not considered so important to include it. Today it is no longer the case. L ' Ipercoop was wanted by the coalition of center and all the then minority has opposed the project with no results.
The league, not being represented in the municipal council, has made his personal political battle by collecting signatures against the construction of the new hypermarket.
I have nothing to say in the personal struggles of each party, but when I outside the government program you can not feel betrayed because the coalition parties do not agree.
Among other things, the League has forgotten that it was offered to Ipercoop the transfer of its settlement in the area near the Repsol and that the company has a negative answer. Dear
Giovannoni, as are the statements made in bad taste to the press, I do not consider this a crisis of majority but only a moment of personal deviation.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Tell New Baby Born Sms

New ideas brewing in Vigonza

The phrase which is stated in the title I took from the site re-construction of League North Vigo .... but the new idea that's cooking is the shift dell'Ipercoop and all related?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Starter Orbit Instruction Manual


enter the supermarket with a blind dog The director insulted by a customer
the morning of Padua - November 17, 2008 page 16 section: PROVINCE

VIGONZA. Brings the supermarket with a blind dog, director insulted by a customer. It 'happened on Friday at Al Busa. The man, a stranger had entered 13 minutes before taking trained a Labrador on a leash. He was followed by an attendant. Inside were three customers, including a fifty of the place. "When the woman saw the dog with the disabled - said Luke Bettin, director - she started to scream it out, because the dog could have been dirty, that such a thing was not allowed. I tried to explain that the man was a disabled person, that there was no impediment because he could be spending. And that I would go even if it were accompanied by an elephant. She started to scream even more. " On hearing the protests, the blind person wanted to leave. But the director has held, and offered to help him. "Besides the man was polite and cultured, he pulled out the license that showed his condition and the right to be accompanied by the dog. An animal trained and intelligent: in each lane was put in front of and addressed his master. " Seeing dismissed his protests, she left the cart full of goods and walked out vowing that he would not enter into the supermarket. "Then we came back and rethought insulting me again before leaving permanently," he adds Bettin. The director, however, has helped the blind to finish her shopping, pausing over the closing time. When he left, the man wanted his address. "I never thought of being a front of someone so insensitive, "concludes the director. (Ga)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mucus And Blood Coming Out Of My Cats Nose

ADSL - the site of Vigonza Viva


On 26/11/2007 I was assigned by the Mayor, the delegation to see if there are real you may bring your ADSL service to Codiverno Pionca and now without.
On this theme, to which priority should be given an immediate response are the local schools, businesses and user privacy.
First of all are the three local schools that are not equipped to service broadband. At secondary schools Codiverno was less than a year opened a new computer lab of 26 stations produced with the assistance of the Foundation of Cassa di Risparmio. Pionca Elementary School has a computer room of 12 computers. Without the internet connection speed these structures can not fully express their potential and prove to be inadequate, are fully aware of this and school leaders that the Administration.
follows closely the world of production and private users. Today the service is of absolute importance of broadband technology for professionals, businesses, students but also for their families so as to constitute almost as an emergency and need a quick response and immediate. Tomorrow is too late. Telecom so far has not moved and did not demonstrate you want to do despite the stresses that different administrations have moved against him. Photographed this situation of immobility, municipal offices with the Administration have drawn up a notice, which closed Oct. 24 to select a potential operator interested primarily in a very short time to provide the service to schools and at the same time give an opportunity to link ADSL to those companies and individuals who want it. It 's a chance that before the public did not and when, within days, will be Announcement of the award will take only if they wish, without any constraint.
Simple and straightforward. The Administration will continue to put pressure on Telecom, nothing will change on this front. For the Administration Telecom remains the ultimate solution but in the interim we have tried to give a chance to those people and businesses can not do without the service.
The final award of the Contract will be in those days. Known that the company has submitted the best offer in terms of cost and service we could do more of the reflections. Of course we hope soon to have brought the DSL schools and we could present an immediate solution to the citizens waiting Telecom decides to move.
Sebastian UPDATED

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Free Female Genitalia Tatoo Galery

Honorary Citizenship to the teacher Jerome Cortella

Great excitement last night in the City Council to the delivery of honorary citizenship to the Cav. No. Jerome Cortella.
have read the reasons for the proposal to supply, and has been undertaking because the reasons were really a lot. Jerome
Cortella, elementary school teacher, made a Knight of the Republic by President Saragat on 02/06/1968 and Cav. Journal by the President Leone 27/12/1973 Gold Medal Ministry of Education conferred the 24/05/1986, was city councilor and vice mayor in Vigonza come Berti (1958-1964) and mayor from 1964 to 1970. Under his leadership, was adopted the first Plan of the town of Vigo voted in the session of the municipal council unanimously 11/04/1968.
The evening then saw the intervention of the Cav. Cortella that he felt honored the contribution, first recalled the adoption of the PRG and the Mayor and wished us all good wishes for the preparation of new planning tool called PAT. Then there was the delivery of the supply and the plaque.
Cortella excited and the teacher, to tell the Indeed, a big thrill came to me, because seeing this feeling in a person who helped change our country was really touching.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Unlocked Games For School

MO> VI ART '08 November 15 to 23

From painting to video art, sculpture, drawing, photography, installations: open to all languages \u200b\u200band technologies of the modern first edition: MO> VI Arts the '08 Group Exhibition of Contemporary Art to be held from November 15 to 23 at the Palazzo Spada in Vigonza .
The Department of Culture has issued in June, the Competition Rules for participation in the exhibition MO> VI Arts '08 with the intent to promote contemporary art in the territory of Vigo.
Objective of the Call and the exhibition is to create a Mo> movements understood as intensity, traffic, entertainment, parade of thoughts, works and artists.
were 139 applications for participation submitted to municipal offices. The works, from all over Italy and abroad (England and USA) are the result of the work of already established talent and new names of contemporary art.
The Jury chaired by art critic Anna Sandonà, has selected 26 + 1 [out of competition] works that will go to an exhibition.
The winner will be rewarded with the purchase of the work that will form the permanent collection of contemporary art of the municipality of Vigo.
Out of competition will be hosted the works of some artists from the town of Belene (Bulgaria) twinned with the town of Vigo in continuation of trade and growth path that the two territories have long since undertaken.
Palazzo Spada, Via Roma, Vigo.
Opening and Announcement of Winner Saturday, November 15
Open 17 hours: Sunday 10-12 14 - 18Lunedì - Saturday 14-18
Free Entry

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Aluminum Boat Liner


On November 12, 2003 is the first serious attack of Nasiriyah. At 10:40 local time, 08:40 in Italy, a tanker truck full of espolosivo broke out in front of the Italian military base, causing the explosion of the ammunition depot of the base and the deaths of several people, including soldiers and civilians. The attempt to Andrea Filippa, guards the entrance to the base "Mistral", to stop with the machine gun, heavy equipment, the two suicide bombers is vain, indeed, said the attackers to fire with Kalashnikovs. The first aid was provided by the new Iraqi police and civilians of the place. The explosion was also involved in the troupe's director Stefano Rolla, who was on site to film a dramatized reconstruction in Nasiriyah by Italian soldiers
The Carabinieri
Massimiliano Bruno, Warrant Officers, Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art
Giovanni Cavallaro, Giuseppe Coletta Lieutenant
, Brigadier
Andrea Filippa, pinned
Enzo Fregosi, Lieutenant
Daniele Ghione, Chief Marshal Horatio
pinned Ivan Ghitti,
Domenico Intravaia sergeant, sergeant vice
Filippo Merlino, Lieutenant
Alfio Ragazzi, Warrant Officers, Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art
Alfonso Trincone, Lieutenant
Alessandro Carrisi, first Corporal
Emanuele Ferraro, Corporal elected leader
Massimo Ficuciello, captain
Silvio Olla, marshal head
Pietro Petrucci, Corporal
Marco Beci, international cooperation
Stefano Rolla, director

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cubase 5 Dongle Emulation Mac

Something will change

change something, change something in the meantime. A sentence stratrita and portray her in these days of obamiana victory. America choose what they Silvio Berlusconi has called a young handsome and tanned (which is also the middle name Hussein), I'll take and I'm going back from whence they came. -From my old room which overlooks the school, by-the frenzy of the streets of Milan, from the tram-tram in the north. What a little 'is a step backwards, and this I feel so strong and determined, but a little' sigificherà I hope to go further. In addition to what I was doing and what they are and I will.
And to think that I started this blog three years ago when me and my dreams have left me a life that fit like a glove - a limited and protected world, a group of friends who are still tied up, a system made up of university meritocracy - that for another, far different and gave me great satisfaction and great disappointment at the same time. A reality that made me come to terms with the true reality, with all that it entails. I built many things over the past three years, from friendships, some of which will last forever and others that are already broken or are very very bruised, end up with the professional and this room with the color indefinite and indefinable around me. It makes me smile when I think of what it took me to hang a picture .. and the fact that I have not yet installed the chandelier and curtains (bought exactly a year ago.) How long did it take to fill the shelves of the library (they are missing at least seven) and how many things, good and bad, have done and said in this house. And then there are those things that I would not ever change: the movie nights to Mignon that makes us the discount journalists, pizza Giacomelli and gricia Gildo. The Coliseum lights you see when you come by car from Testaccio, the narrow streets of Monti, Prati and the austere palaces of the racket of Garbatella. The cashier Conad, the bartender who does not understand anything of Giolitti, the washerwoman from which we leave things and let's pick up months later and the legendary Dr. Shit that making photocopies tr takes three hours. But, for a change, you must start from somewhere .. and this is my point. That will not be able to permanently close a door and open a gate, is chiaro.Questo let him do a tanned young man named Barack Obama. That means that means change.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Best Camcorder Under £400

Ricatapultata (with a lot of nostalgia and jet lag)

The fact is that this morning I woke up at 5 as were the 11, who has crossed the 830 the city half asleep for 12 hours to go the film festival (where Viggo Mortensen has combined a horrible red shirt with the words "Hungary" to a black dress and then wrapped in the flag of his favorite team) and then find myself finishing a piece for another paper at this time could be called the fast track out of a week in paradise. The output preferential means automatic ejection. And hopeless.
I was in the Seychelles, yes. Mea culpa. I stroked the white sand with his hands as a kind of hourglass, I put the iPod headphones to make room for the sea and wind noise in the ears accustomed to the urban casino. I swam with a turtle by the hand, I drank a drink "molecular" and I made human surfing in the crystal. I did the salute to the sun dipped into the jungle just as I thought it would make Christy Turlington (ok, come on, I did a little 'worse), I had a butler and I woke up at dawn to enjoy a show that is a few times see, I am immersed in a bath of stone decorated with candles, enjoying the privilege. Maybe save this page and see her tomorrow calmly, I tell myself. Why have I not told anything of my days in Mahé and anyone who reads will not understand anything. Then I think tomorrow I will not have time and there is little to say, you have to take it and go. Not a 5 star resort, maybe. But as with the blue sea and white sand it feels the same rich people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sebaceous Cyst Removal Chicago

I had to survive the side of Fashion Week antiglamour

Since last post to date has been a hurricane called Fashion Week. I could spend rivers of words to describe this subsystem delusional world called fashion. Which is made of super conventions to supermagre elderly, gays, Russians, the Japanese and is headed by a perfect little lady that will be great as Polly Pocket (Anna Wintour). But it would be too long. The fashion week would describe it as a kind of oxymoron: a tour de force that a person should try to live the best of his ability. If you do not mind, at least aesthetic. Very well to say since the first show is at nine o'clock in the morning and ends on the last cocktail, if all goes well, at ten o'clock. On the other side of Milan, of course. And in the meantime one should also work by writing romantic How long the woman Armani, how beautiful Cate Blanchett, as are high heels by Prada and the losers are the models that we have to walk on as a kind of heron.
And here it is impossible to be triggered as you should. The week pulls out of fashion, dissects the antiglamour that is in every normal person. I did things like changing profoundly anti-glamor-heeled shoes in front of the parade, eating a cake walk straunta from a showroom to another, move in procession to parade with the railway, to get to travel all disheveled because Versace I was late and I wanted to accompany a taxi driver from the Cathedral in Piazza Vetra because "the course is too short, I will smeno. I attached a PC to the power of the big screens of national chamber of fashion writing a piece sitting on the floor sull'orrida carpet, I refused appetizers "but this young lady and black rice rolled in grape leaves mini!" because the sixth day of miniassaggi not do more, I've been to three in an evening cocktail, made three three-smiles talking to three flute of champagne with three strangers in different, differently, do not give a damn. And then, on the seventh day I rested. Not like God, do not worry.
I had to survive. Why was my goal today. Today is Thursday. And if for some is the day of meatballs or soup for me is the day of Veronica. His face is retouched by photoshop: it is so plastic. But I like her Veronica: You came to do audience at a conference organized by his daughter. And I also said "thanks for saying it her. "What Barbara is proud of his vocation and feel-good, not that she married an idiot.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Differences In Breast Soreness

Take all away but not my bag on Sunday

Today's Corriere insert paper devotes a wonderful accessories. I can not hold more accessories, but I have a fucking subspecies strain - mental, more than professional - to look at all that my brain could digest, assimilate and then repeat one of my employers. So I opened it.
Eight ladies emptied their bags in front of the journalist. and we'll show the contents on a table. What's being photographed. The Beccalossi which has the four things on the cross. And the Boralevi. Riccobono Eva and Victoria Cabello Instead they have a lot 'of little things .. but all sorted, put into boxes and astuccini.
ponder: if they did with me? I'm in my bag?
ipod nano pink flier
an outlet where I was Saturday
statement semi crumpled
used Metro tickets 8 tickets

eyeglass case eyeglass
5 and 14 euro cents coin (loose)
envelope containing the phone bill
folding umbrella (even if the sun is crazy)
copy of 24 minutes
moleskine notes
wallets and purses
pen pencil

business card of a guy
a nail file
1 pack handkerchiefs
a sunglasses case in a gloss

an eye cream
a mirror-brush

At least the test I had to empty it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why Am I Feeling Irritated By A Close Friend

Trenitalia never disappoints

Last Sunday I and a plastic bag containing white trofie, pesto and a round bun with olive returns from the Mind Festival in Sarzana after being interviewed Carlo Cracco and Allan Bay. And we were pleasantly surprised to discover that, despite the consideration Intercity plus Napoli-Torino was delayed twelve hours (?!), our train La Spezia-Rome (Torino-Napoli microtratta of the cost of 32 euros) was exactly on time. So we spent the next 4 hours reading and listening to music, a little 'smeared with salt and sand, but I honestly enjoy concentrated in the final hours of Sunday. Upon arrival at Termini, the madness, police in riot gear, ambulance, and a flood of people (close inside the cordon formed by the police) with their faces covered.
Marta, who between the two parties concerned would assault the reporter, he thinks that his job is to write at the bottom of maxiyachts, giourmet, Vuitton bags, exhibitions, shoes and 5-star resort. But then he feels in his heart a calling that requires it to update on what's happening. Just to make the figure of the journalist who was there, but if was asleep or thought pickled egg Carlo Cracco.
undecided on how to board a police officer saying he was a reporter in the trenches while dressed in blue cotton dress with white polka dots and red flip flops, gym bag and shoulder bag with trofie, finally meeting a real Paola assault journalist who tells me what the fuck is going on: the fans, the train split, the beatings, the injured, an ambulance. I understand, I greet and I'm going home to cook with pesto trofie that after all I'm traveling, if they have earned. The invective against the Neapolitan peasants last time two forks, thanks to my roommate, being of Salerno, nods, approves and eat.
But today (or yesterday for breakfast because I peeled back the paper yesterday so I could confuse me) I realize that Neapolitan fans who smashed an entire train (how hard animal honestly can not understand ..) forcing the passengers to down and creating a mess all day forced the poor suckers to use the services Trenitalia (already bad without the use of de hooligans' Noantri version of Attila-the scourge of God) said to be quiet because they pay damages. But above all they have asked people not to criminalize.
Poor things! And how could we ever do?
The interesting thing now is how are they going to pay 500 thousand euro. Colletta? Miracle of San Gennaro? Surcharge on the ticket of the stadium? Surcharge on train travel for life? Or, alternatively chilling but ultimately highly likely, increase my train ticket for life?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Join The Army With Hearing Loss

Olympics (the trash) in the summer

holidays are over. For the first time after two years I have given two weeks of the Sea (Cri guest of my friend in the legendary Riviera, not to Fiji) and I must say I'm really satisfied and relaxed. So much so that, in these first three days to work (semi at work because not everyone has re-opened) do not get pissed. Not at all. However, during Vacation my brain has finally free to roam the world, away from the damn computer screen and in close contact with the outdoors. Accomplices many fine mojito, here's my remarks on phantom trash in the summer Olympics in Italian.
Bronze ex aequo at the photos of Veronica Berlusconi (never seen so sloppy, please consult a parrucchiereee) and Silvio (the w photoshop, but maybe avoid pushing to inhuman levels) on the diaries and autobiographical About Giovanni Conversano (former footballer and ex tronista Cervia) on DiPiù. Moments of great emotion. And also in episodes!
Silver medal (I do not want) to him, a little petulant star who spent the summer of even a minute before italia1. The legendary cat Comma (which I think has received more threats of Magdi Cristiano). People who downloaded his ring, please, contact me.
The top step of the podium is undoubtedly the invention of the century. It 'must, however, a wonderful story to introduce the issue.
Friday last, lying on the couch and probably intent on doing a crossword puzzle, I did not understand. My neighbors come with umbrellas on the beach with a massive package that is very similar to products mentally ill alias collectors from newsstands (the ones you can buy "tank of the two world wars" or "Build the dollhouse out of 99" Leisure and Work). I throw the eye briefly and read: "Weather." But do not grab it and continue undeterred my laborious task. Then, yesterday, the chilling truth: the two (thirty-five couples) have bought the first release of the meteorological station of COLONEL Giuliacci! I thought it was impossible, but I never cease to amaze me. That is to say (google never lies), check out the wonderful weather station Giuliacci:
There are 70 outputs (settanta..) The first of which costs € 2.99 and the remaining 69 cost € 9.99. And 'I do not have a calculator handy .. but about excess and (yes, but just) to become a rival of Giuliacci costs € 690. I love it! I wonder if the neighbors will complete the umbrella?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Large Gallstone Nerve Pain Leg

Italian Fabio, America and waxing with tape

Last night I saw a piece of the "Italian American" Fabio Volo. The highlight of the episode: Fabio ago tear with tape (Scotch tape roll with big brown, tear a mo 'to wax) the hairs in his ears because they do feel old ..
course, with all the things he could show America (the stop was Chicago) I got it to say that the most important ..

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Where To Take Unused Insulin Syringes

A new profession outside

Ladies and gentlemen, change of job. I'm sick of spending Sundays to write about ice cream, writing crossword Wednesday, Friday to pass on the phone with the press offices hysterical or unresponsive. Yesterday I discovered my true, useful and profitable vocation.
My brother, lucky him, he left for Miami for a study trip. And I left a drink for charity fundraising pro children of the Congo (Seriously who wants to donate something can contact the association ANPIL) andargli to prepare for the luggage. In this task are very familiar because I'm not standing in one place more than two weeks or three to six months ciorca. Prepare cases extendable by a week forever, trolley used for the following stages: a week end in milan vienna-week-5-day cruise in the Baltic baltico.E are also pretty good. To my brother, I also left in the middle of clothes, mini pink postit messages with hearts or alternately deep hatred (because he goes to Miami and I return to Rome to work). Hence they are able to also offer additional services like these. Or I could put between a shirt that Barilla Fusilli memories with old viewers (say, the nineties) the advertising with a soundtrack by Vangelis that we liked so much and now replaced with that daughter of odious little ones barilla.
As the world there are many people who travel and can not be the case, can not optimize the space and / or has no desire nor time to do it alone .. as a freelancer I will prepare the cases.
And now the ad:

"You gotta get out of a weekend or a week and do not know when and how to pack?
Do not despair: Marta the preparavaligie will hear all your wishes! "

Trolley 24 hours: € 35
Trolley 48 hours: € 50
Trolley 48 hours with a gala dinner: € 55
Trolley with 48 hours Marriage: 60 €
Trolley weekend at sea: € 60
Trolley weekend in the mountains to ski: 75
week at sea: 100
week in a city 110
week in a city outside Europe: 150
Two weeks: 200
Extendable-week weekend: 250
Extendable-week month: 30
If someone wants to propose as a customer might test my skill. Or maybe I should include the testimony of my brother?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Edit Images With Quotes

Chronicles of Narnia in the Baltic version

I returned to Rome after a long pilgrimage in Northern Europe. For work, so to speak. Embarked on a Titanic-style cruise Pallosa apparently, but basically fun, full of things to see: human light years away from me (geographically, linguistically and age talking about), wonderful places on the border with the unreal. Much to see, troppo da raccontare. Come tutti i viaggi, questo necessita una cernita profonda del "che cosa" portare a casa. Che poi quello che intimamente porto a casa è che sono riuscita a sopravvivere da sola in mezzo al mar Baltico per cinque giorni. Ma il "da sola" in questione è un po' tutto relativo.
Piccola blogcronaca del viaggio:
28 maggio
Marta parte. Copenhagen
Ore quattro del mattino, aeroporto di Linate. Riesco a stento a tenere gli occhi aperti per controllare che il mio volo SAS diretto a Copenhagen non venga imbarcato mentre io sto dormendo davanti al gate. Around me, manager Milan rampant absolutely annoying. Absolutely doped. Jacket and tie the knot too large, handheld on (but who want me to call you at this hour?), Scent standardized (= it seems that everyone has the same), laughing and joking loudly. Probably sniffing all day because my sleeping brain captures some of their input with incredulous puzzlement.
Arrival in Copenhagen. I went down, I change money (the euro is so universally comfortable, of course!), I try to understand what it's worth a Danish krone against the euro but I can not. I see a Starbucks and inwardly rejoice: I take my beloved tall cappuccino and sit looking at the map: how the hell arrival at the port? Cheap solution, the train. Wrong track but I notice it in time. I get on the train that breaks down but not defeated, I can also change trains and get to the port. Where to ride about 15 minutes to find the ship. I get on and I board: while I climb the stairs, an old American with the crutches coming down hard. Following thought: we're good! This ship is definitely a kindergarten!
Tour in Copenhagen where everyone is irrefutably Stradella: 0-30 years, all blond, tall, thin and blue eyes. I eat a bagel with salmon and I understand that I can not live without. After a hot bath full of bubbles (soap and champagne), down dinner where the attraction of the evening, I order "shrimp martini" without knowing which are shrimp (delicious) served in a martini glass. In summary, try to cut you.
May 29
Warnemünde, Germany.
The sun smiled on this small Noantri Cabot Cove. There is the euro. There is a huge white sandy beach where I understand that in Germany do not use umbrellas but a kind of giant chairs with canopy. The water is crystal clear. Cold, but crystal clear. I fall of the German sea. I take the train to visit Rostock, a town without shame nor praise twenty minutes away. I decide that I need to look at the map. And, in fact, I get lost. Spending the afternoon lying on the beach, realizing that maybe today I can relax. Ah, I forgot: I have a personal assistant. The small Lorife, Philippines. A monster of kindness which, however, I do not know what to ask because in the end that I will never have problems?
May 30
Bornholm, Denmark.
It 's the most beautiful and surreal place I've ever seen. Because there is nothing. Today, thanks to the legendary shipping company that gives me slack (which I will mention because if not appearing on Google) and I choose the bike. From which it is hoped to be excluded in favor of old crutches with young people who have yet to meet. The choice rewards me with two American couples: Nancy and Bob, set with fifty California wine valley (where, of course, live), and Dominic Casey, Cincinnati tretacinquenni: he is a hypersport with the earring in the nose (and not is bad), she is the woman with the biggest ass I've ever seen. The island is made of colored houses, green lawns and quiet, bicycle lanes and "windmills" for wind energy. The Anglo-American group can make me eat smoked herring at 11 am. I forgot the most interesting character the picnic: Carrie, sprightly septuagenarian with super bun fintissimo (or so it seems) on his head. Ride like a desperate and invites me to dinner for the evening gala.
The gala dinner seems like a Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie. Me with my little black dress is not the only eye-catching sequins and jewels. Arriving late for cocktails with the captain (who was not there) and, down the stairs, losing a shoe. Twelve staff members (all in line outside the dining room) are quick to retrieve it. I would sink into the carpet color powder. Dinner (with old) drinking sherry, it comes to elections, and of course Italy. But just to make a courtesy to me. I come out dead, or so it seems. We hope that tonight does not kill anyone.
May 31
Stockholm, Sweden
A good day starts in the morning: the staff informs me that breakfast was named the most beautiful ship. And you believe. But it seems that they were trying to decide between me and an old Portland. In the morning I take the blissfully sun by the pool, because we are still sailing. Once in Stockholm forklift pockets the lineup and I mingling with the crowd. There is a marathon, Stockholm is the Venice of the North (or perhaps er in Bruges that?) And a series of islands which are not connected between them. My planning for the visit goes up in smoke: do not get to see tutto.Quindi I go to Moderna Museet, a triumph of modern art itself. I dwell on madness and Paul Mc Carthy on an installation that includes a boy lying in the flesh to watch the video. Poor guy. But it is interesting. We also eat an ice cream flavor I do not know what, because there was no English translation. And then meeting my Canadian friends (who I forgot to mention the bike) very nice. Have dinner with them and I enjoy it a lot: we speak of evil and good Berlusconi in Rome. And they tell me of Canada.
June 1
the morning I leave my luggage at the train station and I go around the last half a day in Stockholm. The city is sunny and deserted are half past nine. I head to the famous Vasa Museet, that the vessel sank in 1628. Fantastic. I run into a party of Bergamo and I am ashamed to be Italian because they make comments at random with their terrible accent. And do not understand anything of English. The Vasa is too good, but I have to go back. The airport is waiting for me. After forty minutes by bus sitting next to a gay Iranian directly to Istanbul for a month as the guest of her aunt, with a landing at the airport where the spirits lead me from Swedish in Italy because in their opinion, I can not import alcohol in the EU territory. I pull out of the Schengen treaty, but the people behind me very irritated and decide to return home with hands (almost) empty. Zurich airport where we arrived at half past seven, as I've never been hungry way at speeds unheard of in the area looking for a transfer bar. And I find Gucci, Montblanc, Prada. Zurich Airport is the dude I've ever seen: that sucks, I want a sandwich dell'autogrill! I see a store that seems to sell something that has to do with food .... the angle of the caviar. I leave sad shopping area and head to board. Where is planet sandwich, but only sandwiches with Swiss cheese (the one with holes). That makes me sick. But these days I mistakenly ordered things I hate (sweet peppers and peas), so who cares and I eat the sandwich. Zurich-Milan, ten people on board. Including the manager of Milan's return. He is a serious man of business, strategic filthy rich ones: fifty handsome, wears no socks in timberland, light trousers, white shirt and rayban. I hate it. Back from somewhere (I assume U.S.) accompanied by his colleague a poor loser, a Neapolitan, who just landed forty unmarried mother calls to reassure her. He is the manager of Milan school of life for the thirty-five minute flight and ten minutes by bus. His pearls of wisdom? He always goes around with a passport, identity card DOES NOT HAVE. And you know why? Why do so any time may declare a different residence, since the passport is not written. They sit behind me, obviously. So a bit 'of aphorisms I have internalized too.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Forgot The Combo To My Brinks Lock

I found

are almost two months since I write and the reason is only one: they are lazy. But I was also busy. Then a small urge
informed of what I found in these sixty days, one less and one more who lived in Milan, Rome and Monza and Brianza:

Italians have voted for the League. Not just in the banal, the good old Silvio. But Bossi. Who has organized his campaign the carpeting north of the city with posters on the American Indians who "do not limit immigration." Chapéu;

Gianni Alemanno Rome's new mayor. And he noticed that the streets of Rome are full of holes;

I was able to go to a concert by Antonello Venditti, go to a cocktail of Max Mara, where the cream of the guests of honor were Paola and Chiara and Creme not Savior and Karina of Men and Women;

I almost stretched ligament in his right knee going around in heels crazies do interviews with designer to emulate Carrie Bradshaw. Not forgetting that Carrie Bradshaw, rambles NY with those heels all day, but only as long as a clapper;
I met the most beautiful school in high school who was the publicist for an event the Salone del Mobile. And I was happy because, between the two, the journalist was me Sole24ore;
I discovered that Miuccia (Prada) is a well amiability. But it's awfully smart and strategic so that but I'm starting to get old because yesterday my teacher (substitute) in the gym for me was younger than me. But she had cellulite though, eh!;

After this update, chreods can start from tomorrow. That's another day and another month.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Best Receiver Under 500 2010

Podenglish, Lesson number 1

Podenglish, Lesson number 1

This lesson talk abot food, how we use it, how much we love it. Practice with
Podenglish important to learn vocabularies and sentences related to Food.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bob Punching Bag Toronto

proposal of marriage - it's time to make me an honest woman, a journalist asserted and especially rich

Indeed they felt the need. Thanks to good old Silvio. Subconsciously I wanted your advice on job insecurity, life in the broadest sense, but I never dared to ask. And you, humorous providential man and entrepreneur dall'indubbio pedigree, you grabbed my needs (but I guess not only mine) and have launched an answer to my doubts. To overcome the insecurity there is only one way: to marry your son.

That seems so one of your usual gaffes, which we enjoy very much and always bring a touch of panache to read the newspaper. But this time I think you did very center.
Let the good thing, just to make a litmus test as to the elementary additions: who is the bride of the son of Berlusconi (Silvio Pier because the second, Louis, is still too young). Silvia Toffanin. Well, if I had taken the path of genius Silvia I, in order:
1. Had the practitioner to Nonsolomoda, tested journalism major owned by my father Silvio. My parents would save the € 20 thousand for the School of Journalism and would now be rich and happy.
2. Now I would not be here to collect the figurines of the collaborations as Gormiti: I have a place to host the wonderful journalist Verissimo, gravure weekly gossip. Moreover alongside Alfonso Signorini. That is no small thing.
3. Consequently, I have a monthly check issued by Mediaset (company headed by my boyfriend) that I bet is far superior to that of first appointment of an editor. And 'no point in making calculations for comparison with my "salary" from freelance to avoid getting four laughter.
4. I bought a house in Milan with that salary (maybe I even made a mortgage ..)
5. Spending a lot of weekend aboard the sailboat of my boyfriend who is a bit sporty 'Bassino, but it is not bad. So the game is definitely the spark plug.
Bottom line: nothing but idiotic jokes, Silvio was right. It 's time that I should stop with these cards sherpatv, I rolled up our sleeves and take up my life seriously.
Pier Silvio, if you hear me, sposamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii